Equality has always been an issue. The gender wars! Who's
superior, which is the better sex, Mars vs. Venus, top or bottom, etcetera.
But let's mix it up a little bit more.
Insert; The Gay ones!
( And to be specific, Gay Men.)
The strength of Men, the charms (what?!) of Women. The best
of both worlds? Or the worse from both ends? Who are they? Why are they here? Why
would a person be Gay? A choice or a
force of nature? Can one just choose to be gay? Does everybody have that capability
or capacity to be gay? And does it come w/ an On or Off switch? Why are they so
obnoxious? If a guy is that obnoxious; he's an asshole, if a girl's that
obnoxious; she's a bitch, but if you're
an obnoxious Gay? What then?
The answer is; Normal Gay!
Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not Homophobic and I'm not
anti-gay. I actually have Gay friends, one of my best friends' Gay. But what
I'm against are those obnoxious, over confident, attention seeking FAGS (yes, I
said it!) that just has to be "in your face!", and let everyone know
that they're Gay and they're proud of it. Why does it have to be like that? I
can see that you're Gay, there's no question about it, and why do you wear
clothings exclusive for girls? Like what my colleague said; "Ang pekpek
shorts, para sa may mga pekpek!", I can accept it if you're wearing a tank
top for girls, dress, even bras! But wearing something like that? C'mon, 6'2
tall, dark skinned, heavy build, deep voice, and you're wearing super
Doesn't it bother you that you have balls and that it could pop
out anytime while your wearing short-shorts?
Maybe I'm asking the wrong questions here, maybe I'm just
being judgmental or absurd, but my point is, why do you have to wear something
like that and why BE LIKE THAT?! And please spare me the reason "I was
born this way.". No you weren't! You may have been born Gay, and there
really is no way to know if the baby in Mommy's belly is gay or not. And
regardless, you're still human, and as Science proved, many times now, no two
people are the same. So why the fuck are ya'll following a trend? You cannot
use the excuse that your obnoxious and loud and an "In your face"
type of person because you are Gay and that
Gays are born that way.
Is this some sort of defense mechanism? I think it is...
I guess they are being loud and obnoxious because of low
And if that REALLY is the case, then why still do it? Why
put yourself on top of a pedestal where you can easily become a target? Why
become the nail that sticks out?
I guess the answer to my questions can only be given by a
Gay guy, any thoughts here buddy?
Hold your comments before you call me judgemental:
I only hate the flamboyant (In all the wrong means...) ones.
To the general gay community,
I actually think people who are gay has an advantage in
life. Being able to see things from their perspective should be better than
just looking at it from one gender perspective.
But only if you know how to play your cards right...
And if you respect yourself enough to know that what you do
and how you appear in public may directly affect how the public treats you. If
you dress and act like a bitch, I will treat you as one.
Being Gay is okay. You can be Gay, just don't shove it in my face.
ReplyDeleteI know right?!